This Is The Way | Nursery Rhymes from Caitie’s Classroom

Watch this video and MUCH more in the Super Simple App for iOS! ►
Sing “This Is The Way” with Caitie in her classroom! “This Is The Way” is a popular daily routines song for kids. Caitie is singing the Super Simple Songs version! Caitie loves singing nursery rhymes and kids songs, making crafts, going on trips and more, so join her every Tuesday on the Super Simple Songs channel for her LIVE broadcasts.... Read More

اغنية الدواجن | قناة كراميش Karameesh Tv

اغنية تعليمية وهادفة للأطفال تعلم الاطفال انواع الطيور الداجنه وبماذا نستفيد منها من ريشها وبيضها ولحمها بطريقة ممتعة
لا تنسو الاشتراك في قناة كيوي للمزيد من الفيديوهات الجميلة والمسلية... Read More

Best Things to Do in Seattle

There’s so much to do in Seattle. We started our day by visiting the Pop Museum. We went to Seattle and visited A LOT of places all in one day. We visited the Museum of Pop Culture which was right by the Space Needle and this really fun kids park. We went to downtown Seattle and rode the super tall Seattle Eye Ferris Wheel and saw cute Chihuahua puppies all dressed up. We visited the Pike Place Market and got some snacks, plus more. The market is all out doors, selling the craziest veggies I have ever seen, and CHOCOLATE PASTA!! Next, we explore one of the BIGGEST parks we have ever been to, covered in tons of ropes and a 3 STORY TALL SLIDE!!! TTo top it off, we went in the Seattle Eye, and the views were amazing. Seattle is a wonderful city to visit!
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