Barney & Friends: 4×04 We’ve Got Rhythm (1997) – Multiple sources

The peace and quiet of an otherwise typical day is shattered when BJ arrives on the scene playing his favorite drum! Barney and his friends show BJ that a drum is much more than just a noisemaker. A clapping game demonstrates the concept of rhythm and the group discovers other rhythms around them — ranging from heartbeats to jump rope games. A reading activity introduces the children to drums from many lands, and thanks to the Barney Bag, everyone gets to create a rhythm instrument of his or her own! Barney introduces a special Native American friend who shows how the drum is important to Native American culture.... Read More

Barney & Friends: 4×03 Pennies, Nickels, Dimes (1997) – Multiple sources

The children decide that Goldie, their pet goldfish, is lonely. They want to buy Goldie a friend, a castle, and a plant for the bowl. After counting their coins, they discover they need more money to make their purchase. Also, Stephen realizes he has lost his prized quarter. Unbeknownst to him, Scooter has mistaken the lost quarter for trash and squirreled it away in his stash. The children search for the quarter but don’t find it. They utilize the Barney Bag to make a piggy bank to hold their money. The children work together to earn the additional money to buy a fish and some accessories for the fish bowl. By selling lemonade and cookies and cashing in aluminum cans, they nearly make their goal, but they’re one quarter short. Scooter comes to the rescue by returning the quarter, and Goldie gets a friend!... Read More

В гости к Маше и Медведю – Сборник – Все лучшие серии подряд

Маша и Медведь самые интересные серии. В сборник вошли лучшие серии мультика:
Дышите, не дышите (серия 22)
Усатый – полосатый (серия 20)
Ход конём (серия 28)
Дальний родственник (серия 15)
Приятного аппетита (серия 24)
Хит сезона (серия 29)
Подкидыш (серия 23)... Read More

What do you put on your hamburger? #caitiesquestions #shorts #supersimple

Caitie’s Questions + YouTube Shorts!
Caitie’s got questions and she’s asking them to her friends of all different ages, backgrounds, and abilities in order to learn about all the things we have in common and about a few of the things we might not have considered before. You may be surprised by the answers Caitie gets! They range from funny and adorable to insightful and inspiring. Caitie also wants to encourage her friends to ask these questions and others in hopes of creating their own connections and learning opportunities among those of us who are different in many ways, but also a little bit the same. ... Read More

أهلاً سمسم: شاهد ، العب ، تعلم

بسمة تتحمّس عندما تلعب هي وجاد لعبة الرجاء (كما يقول سيمون). تقاطع الدجاج مع تنبيه بمشاعر كبيرة – إنها صديقتهم الفيل (برفقة زوي)! الفيل متحمسة للرقصة الجديدة التي ابتكرتها ذلك كل ما تريد القيام به. تساعد بسمة وجاد الفيل في التعرف على مشاعرها وتهدئتها من خلال استخلاصها. تستخدم بسمة نفس الأسلوب عندما تكون متحمسة أثناء لعب لعبة الرجاء مع الفيل و جاد وتقوم برسمها.... Read More