Blippi Visits a Childrens Museum | 1 HOUR OF BLIPPI | Science Videos for Toddlers | Blippi Toys

Blippi takes a tour of the Discovery Children’s Museum to learn in this hour long Blippi compilation. Blippi videos for toddlers are great videos for toddlers for them to learn to count, learn colors, and more like learn shapes. In this Blippi playlist you will watch three Blippi videos: Blippi Visits a Children’s Museum (Discovery Children’s Museum), Blippi in the backyard, and the Blippi Snow Groomer video. Over one hour of Blippi videos and Blippi songs. If your looking for fun and educational videos for toddlers then Blippi is your guy!... Read More

A Grand Adventure on “G” Island | Learn The Alphabet with the ABC Pirates

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Learn the ABCs with Captain Seasalt and his ABC Pirates crew as they go on a glorious adventure on G Island! With the guidance of their trusty map and clues that begin with the Letter G, the pirates get to a hidden chest…but what grand treasure is inside? Find out! Arrrr!... Read More

Word Family “ide” | Turn & Learn ABCs | Preschool Learning

More great Super Simple videos in the Super Simple App for iOS ►
In this video for families and teachers of preschoolers and kindergarteners, we’re learning to read words in the “ide” word family! This episode includes the words slide, bride, and ride! Can you think of any other words in the “ide” word family?... Read More