Saying Goodbye to Both Our Dogs 😢|| Mommy Monday

Today we say goodbye to both Kona and Hana. The good thing is they’re going to have SUCH a good time where they are now, as you will see in the video. They’ll be on over ten acres where they can run and play! We also kick off our summer officially by heading to Clamourcon! Clamourcon is a YouTube influencer only event. We get to get sneak peaks at amazing new products (pretty much all toys, which is what we love!) We met some super cool YouTubers we hadn’t met before, swim in giant pools, played at amazing parties and had a super fun week there! We didn’t want it to end! The best day was David’s birthday!! He was such a good boy celebrating his birthday by speaking on a panel and doing convention stuff. Be sure to go to his Instagram to wish him a happy birthday! Get a personalized video from us to you! Check out our Cameo profile to find out how:
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Rain Rain Go Away | Songs For Kids | Sing Along With Tobee

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It’s raining cats and dogs outside! Actually, it’s just raining raindrops. Caitie and Tobee love doing fun things with their families on rainy days. Today, they’re going to make a rainstick out of rice and a cardboard tube! Then, they sing a song called “Rain, Rain Go Away.” They have so much fun!... Read More