Crazy Midnight Shopping, Family Updates & Huge Announcement || Mommy Monday

I told you guys a few weeks ago that I was busy and getting ready for something big….well, today I’m finally sharing the news with you all. We are super excited and there’s going to be a lot going on for us this month, that’s for sure! I promise to show you all more details than I usually do when something big is happening. Trust me, even making this video was extremely hard for me because I’m just private. It’s so hard to share things that haven’t happened yet. Also, Owen and his love of busses is adorable in this video! Anddddd we randomly go to the store at 11pm and I get talked into getting things I wasn’t oging to get….just lovely! haha Love you guys! Be sure to go to our Instagram to chat with us since youtube keepts turning off our comments. We really do want to hear from you all still!
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