Маша и Медведь – Все серии подряд! 🎬

Премьера 🐲 Опять Новый Год! 🎄Про Китай 🇨🇳https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gy3ftilHJT8
🇬🇧 Из Англии с любовью 🏹 https://youtu.be/ghCC_qbLGFo
👻 Сказки на ночь 🎃 https://youtu.be/Bm9iwAZ7D2A
🎃 Сказки в Хэллоуин! Страшно, аж жуть! 🎃 https://youtu.be/B5sZ3q2GfEE... Read More

Bake the Perfect Sea Salt Caramel Chocolate Chip Cookie || Family Fun Pack Cooking

It’s the perfect time of year to bake and share cookies! Today, Owen is joining me to do his very first Family Fun Pack Cooking where we will show you one of our favorite cookie recipes. Owen LOVES cookies and was super excited to film this video! As the video progressed, he became more excited to eat than help, as you’ll see. Owen is so funny!! Fun fact: My mom baked all of our bread and cookies from scratch growing up. I don’t remember having store bought bread or cookies more than once or twice for my entire childhood till I left and went to college!
Side note: this is a video intended for all audiences, only adults should use an oven.
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