Character Breakfast, Snorkeling & VIP Luau – Aulani Day 2

This is probably one of the cutest videos on our entire channel. I literally LIVE through my kids. My whole life has meaning because I am a mom, and I thrive on giving my kids experiences that we both will remember. This day was one of them. Wait till you see my sweet Owen’s reactions to meeting the Disney characters at the Aulani. It’s just so cute, innocent and sweet. Beyond that, we went to a FANTASTIC luau, we snorkeled at Rainbow Reef (including myself the chicken! I know it doesn’t seem like much but it took me a bit to get in, and it was totally worth it!) We checked out every water slide and pool at the resort, we pin traded, we listened to relaxing Hawaiian music. We had a fantastic, fun-filled day of Disney awesomeness! We can’t wait to visit the Aulani again! Everything was perfect.
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تعرفوا على معزوزة في أهلاً سمسم قريباً على MBC3!

هي دمية معزة صغيرة لطيفة، تحب جاد و بسمة كثيرا. لا يمكنها التكلم بعد، لذا تستخدم “ماااا” للتعبير عن نفسها. معزوزة تحب الدوائر والاشياء المدورة بشكل خاص. اذا رأت معزوزة أي شيء دائري، يكمنك ان تتوقع ان تركز عليه … وترفع اذنيها… و تحاول اكله!... Read More