Маша и Медведь – 💝 Вам письмо! ✉️

🤠 Однажды на Диком Западе!💰 https://youtu.be/B5sMJtXcZTo
💥 Новая серия! 🧚‍♀️ Чудеса! 🧜‍♀️ https://youtu.be/LW_vw_vyxjo
👷‍♀️ Ура! Ремонт! 🔧 https://youtu.be/fGmf7bO2RX0
🤡 Детский Праздник! 👧🏻👶🧒 https://youtu.be/U61gWixcrPA
Восточные Сказки 🧞 Новая серия! 🔥 https://youtu.be/mIM3zSBOqUk
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Маша и Медведь – ❤️ Любимые серии Маши ❤️

🤠 Однажды на Диком Западе!💰 https://youtu.be/B5sMJtXcZTo
Восточные Сказки 🧞 https://youtu.be/mIM3zSBOqUk
Играем дома! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Топ идей! 🚀 https://youtu.be/85XH0zEsRzs
🏛 Почти древнегреческая история https://youtu.be/TYkfXlJ-xLI
Будь здоров! 😀 6 советов от Маши 👍 https://youtu.be/OQ0COg3OayU
Когда цветут кактусы🌵 https://youtu.be/l4H1hOhxpXE
👸 Из чего сделаны девочки? 💐 https://youtu.be/6kAxDGdCz2E
🇬🇧 Из Англии с любовью 🏹 https://youtu.be/ghCC_qbLGFo
#машаимедведь #домавместе #когдавседома #домалучше... Read More

My Life is a Disaster || Mommy Monday

What did we come home to?! I tried to prepare myself for the massive amounts of mail and unpacking that would take place after moving for so many months, but I was not expecting my fish tank to crack overnight. I also didn’t expect Alyssa to grow 5 inches giving me the task of sorting through all of her clothes to see if there was anything left at all that would still fit–there wasn’t. The boys also grew, plus we left with winter clothes in the dressers, so I needed to swap all the winter stuff for summer stuff. On top of all that, I watched way too much Love it or List it during quarantine, so when we got home I also decided to do a MAJOR purge of stuff. I’m proud to say that I have successfully reduced our stuff by a large portion! It feels so good to have less stuff in the house, that’s for sure.
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