First Swim Lesson! || Mommy Monday

After a toddler drowned at our neighbor’s house recently, I decided I had to make absolutely sure that Owen was safe in the water. He’s had a pretty healthy fear of the water–would NEVER jump in, hardly leaves the first step in the shallow end, etc. but that doesn’t mean something crazy couldn’t happen and I don’t want to risk it, so we put Owen in swim lessons. He went from being completely scared and not wanting to go to his first lesson, to happy, smiling and loving his lessons. I’m so happy he has taken to his lessons so well. Also…..let’s just talk about David and Alyssa and the major help they’ve been giving me around the house. PLEASE leave them a thumbs up on the vlog to let them know we all think they’re awesome!! HUGS!... Read More


هل تحبون قبعة غرغور بقدر ما نحبها؟
عندما تسقط قبعته عند انزلاقه ، بسمة وجاد يفكران معًا في طريقة مبدعة لإبقاء قبعته باستخدام الشرائط... Read More