Blippi Wonders – Blippi Time Travels & Explores The First Car! | Blippi Cartoon | Cartoons For Kids

No kind of travel is too difficult for the BlippiMobile, not even TIME travel! Blippi and D.Bo head back in time to see what the first cars were like, and who better to show him than Blippi’s great-grandpa Blippi! It’s a harrowing ride, but along the way Blippi finds the answers he’s looking for.
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Mila and Morphle – Magic Pet Sports Day | Cartoons for Kids | My Magic Pet Morphle

Enjoy this special My Magic Pet Morphle cartoon ‘Magic Pet Sports Day’. It’s Sports Day in the park and to keep things fair, Morphle and Orphle aren’t allowed to use their morphing powers in any of the races. Morphle follows the rules, but Orphle starts to cheat. He turns into a T-Rex and even a car! Can Mila and Morphle persuade Orphle not to cheat and still win a trophy?... Read More