Barney – Happy, Mad, Silly, Sad [2003, VHS]

Love makes Barney’s world go ’round, and the huggable dinosaur encourages his friends to express and understand their emotions in healthy ways. From creating masks to decorating a “Friends & Family Tree” with hearts, Barney uses fun songs and games to help his friends get in touch with their feelings. And he reminds them that manners, sharing and taking turns are great ways to show you care about others. It’s always a happy day of fun and learning when you spend it with Barney and his friends.... Read More


I PROMISE you will LOVE this vlog!!!!!! This travel vlog spans more than one day and is FULL from beginning to end! Also–if you have the chance to visit the San Diego Zoo, I HIGHLY recommend it! I have not been quite so impressed with something in a long time. This zoo did not disappoint in any way. I promise it will be worth the visit!
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Barney – Movin’ and Groovin’ [2004, VHS]

Barney and his friends are movin’ and groovin’ to the beat of the music! As they learn about rhythm and create their own musical instruments, Barney leads the band with a rat-a-tat-tat and a rooty-toot-toot. And they discover there are lots of ways to get a move on as they do the the Dino Dance. Then, after wiggling through a game of Simon says, they’re off to the races. Barney’s friends discover the fun of movement while making beautiful music together!... Read More

حل المشاكل بمرح: السباق الكبير 🏁

قرر كل من بسمة وجاد أن يكون لهما سباق كبير ، لمعرفة أي من الأشياء المفضلة لديهم تنزل أسرع في المنزلق. تجد بسمة بطانية تخطط لاستخدامها لنقل كل أغراضها إلى المنزلق. ليس لدى جاد ما يستخدمه لحمل أغراضه ، لذلك قرروا مشاركة البطانية.... Read More