🌟 أهلاً سمسم الموسم السادس الحلقة 21 جاد يساعد الضفادع

بسمة و جاد و سلمى في رحلة إلى مجرى لمشاهدة الضفادع! و لدهشتهم ، لاحظوا أن التيار ملوث بالقمامة و قد جف. بمساعدة سلمى ، تخيلوا حلولًا متعددة لتنظيف المجرى و تشغيل المياه مرة أخرى ، بعد ذلك ، يعرف أبو الفهم الطيور على صديق جديد ، و هو سمكة ذهبية. تتخيل الطيور حلاً لإيجاد مكان تنام فيه الأسماك. ثم يتوصلون إلى حل باستخدام وعاء زجاجي. يزيلون الفواكه و يملأونها بالماء و الآن الأسماك لهم مكان للراحة! لاحقًا ، أكتشف مستكشفو المشاعر القوية أن الفيل تشعر بالتوتر. بسمة و جاد يساعدان الفيل في التعرف على شعورها و يساعدها على الهدوء من خلال العد إلى خمسة. أخيرًا ، تعلم سلمى الأطفال رقصة و تشجعهم على الانضمام!... Read More

Barney’s Christmas Star (2002) – VHS

T’is the season to be jolly and to celebrate Christmas! Barney and his friends get into the holiday spirit, by trimming the Christmas tree in the snow-covered park. But something’s missing – the shiny, gold star for the treetop! So, it’s “over the river and through the woods” to grandmother’s attic to search for the missing star. Just imagine all the treasures they discover – little drummer boys and an antique typewriter that’s perfect for writing a letter to Santa. The children celebrate with friends and family as Barney places the Christmas star upon the tree!... Read More

Barney’s Magical Musical Adventure (1992)

Barney’s friends are building a sand castle in Derek’s backyard when who else but Barney himself appears! With the use of imagination, Barney takes the group on a fun-filled adventure to a real castle. On their journey, they travel through a magical forest where they discover a new friend — Twynkle the Elf. Once Barney and his young friends reach the castle gate, everyone plays with magical horses and the royal maypole! Then it’s time to enter the castle and meet the king, who has a special favor to ask. Soon, Barney and his friends are joined by Baby Bop for songs, a tea party and other castle fun.... Read More

Barney: Camp WannaRunnaRound (1997)

After a Forest Ranger visits the school, Stephen decides he wants to be a Ranger when he grows up.
There’s only one problem. He’s never been in a real forest! But with a little imagination and some help
from Barney, Stephen soon learns all about the great outdoors at Camp WannaRunnaRound. It’s a place filled with wonderfully woodsy fun where Baby Bop, BJ, camp counselor Barney and all the kids learn all about the great things to do in the forest. From hiking through the woods to pitching “puppy tents,” there’s never been a camp like WannaRunnaRound. There’s even a special visit from some of the cuddliest animal friends you’ve ever seen. So gather all your camping gear, because Camp WannaRunnaRound is about to begin!... Read More

Be My Valentine Love, Barney (2000) – VHS

Roses are red, violets are blue, and Barney and his friends want to celebrate Valentine’s Day with you! Come along with Barney and his friends as they exchange Valentine’s wishes and enjoy heartwarming songs and dance. Visit the Queen of Hearts’ royal Valentine Castle where there are magical surprises behind every door. With exciting games to play and delightful songs to sing, your imagination will soar as you enjoy this fun-filled Valentine’s Day celebration with Barney and his friends!... Read More