Here Is The Beehive #kidssongs #supersimplesongs #shorts

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Buzz along to this splendid bee song for spring! Buzz…. 🐝
Designed to make it safer and simpler for young ones to watch online video, YouTube Kids includes a suite of parental controls so you can tailor the experience to suit your family’s needs.
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Super Simple has partnered with Khan Academy on their latest app designed for preschoolers. You’ll find Super Simple Songs worked into the curriculum throughout the app.... Read More

Hickory Dickory Dock – Kids Nursery Rhymes

Hickory Dickory Dock, the mouse ran up the clock! Join Will and the little mouse Hickory on their day, with the classic nursery rhyme “Hickory Dickory Dock”. In this video we introduce young learners to the concepts of counting, time, and the different parts of a child’s daily routine – as the clock ticks past lunch time, nap time, snack time and play time. ... Read More

Blippi Learns and Plays at NASA! Space Videos for Kids | 1 Hour Special

3-2-1 BLAST OFF! Blippi visits the Kennedy Space Center and learns about the history of space exploration in preparation for an out of this world adventure of his own; he learns what it takes to be an astronaut, gets an in-depth look at the Apollo moon mission, and sees real rockets!
For more Blippi videos and Blippi songs be sure to SUBSCRIBE to Blippi at Read More

Easy Being Cheesy | Supa Strikas | Full Episode Compilation | Soccer Cartoon

Shakes is nominated for a Super League Fair Play Award, but his rivalry with Skarra gets the better of him, leading to an epic food fight and a week of conflict resolution at the famous Swiss Institute. But instead of saunas and cheese fondue in the Alps the squabbling strikers find themselves lost in tropical jungle. They must work together to survive, but it’s hard to tell what’s more dangerous – the jungle, or each other?... Read More