🌈 POCOYO in ENGLISH – The Rainbow Party – Learn colors [90 min] Full Episodes |VIDEOS and CARTOONS

πŸ‘» ELLY’S AUNTIE PHANTIE➜➜ https://youtu.be/7Pn6LW774EI
πŸŽ“ LEARN WITH POCOYO: https://studio.youtube.com/channel/UChT6ex4rsEDXjJKW7wJAb8w?sub_confirmation=1

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❀ Pocoyo specials for kids: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF06QSQtcR4ceYWq4DuQQFOa3TXpACRRw&playnext=1&index=1

βœ”οΈ Do you want to know how the rainbow is formed? The rainbow appears in the sky when the sun rises and it rains at the same time. Would you know how to say all the colors of the rainbow? Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet are the colors of the rainbow for children. Is your favorite color among these? What fun it is to learn colors for kids with Pocoyo! If you also learn how to combine colors you will discover other super cool shades. A Color Show will begin!

βœ” If you like the videos of Spookiz, Peppa Pig, Looney Tunes, Paw Patrol, Masha and The Bear or Blippi, for sure you’ll have fun with the english children’s videos of Pocoyo, Nina, and his friends that we have made for you. Enjoy with ours funny cartoons for children of Pocoyo. Have fun with the full episodes in english of Pocoyo and Nina.

Watch your favorite episode by clicking a title below:
00:04:06 The Juices
00:10:11 Color Train
00:13:57 The Colouring Book
00:24:08 House of colors
00:30:00 Color My World
00:36:02 The Colors song
00:37:53 Colours
00:44:15 Paint me a Picture
00:50:17 The color of love
00:53:04 Face Painting
00:59:37 Painting with Pocoyo
01:05:56 Pato’s Paintings
01:11:55 Bumbleberry surprise
01:17:56 Dance off part two
01:23:51 Mystery Footprints

➜ All seasons: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF06QSQtcR4fdbfc0TZWLifC8NlFK15VV&playnext=1&index=1
➜ πŸ˜€Nursery Rhymes: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF06QSQtcR4fQZ3ULvPNgTMPV4FrSRYQg&playnext=1&index=1
➜ Season 1: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF06QSQtcR4dsdCM138oBKaLvmKaXHHvK&playnext=1&index=1
➜ Season 2: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF06QSQtcR4d3fXSwPvx9y-goJyvTEKLg&playnext=1&index=1
➜ Let’s Go Pocoyo (Season 3): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF06QSQtcR4ekj67ORmq-XVpKuCtJ3-cZ&playnext=1&index=1
➜ Season 4 (New Season): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF06QSQtcR4cLN61kiFldlgSSv4GlymLL&playnext=1&index=1

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🍹 The Juices 🍹
Elly loves making fruit juices for her friends. Find out what their special fruit juice is.

πŸ“– The Colouring Book πŸ“–
Pocoyo has a beautiful book about colours and is learning about the colour red: there are red apples, ladybugs and hearts. Suddenly, Pocoyo turns red too! Pocoyo and Narrator can’t believe their eyes, it’s a magical book!

🏠 House of colors 🏠
Elly has a new house and wants to paint it pink.

πŸ•Ή Color My World πŸ•Ή
Pocoyo finds a new toy – a remote control that changes the colours of the things around him.

πŸ–Œ Colours πŸ–Œ
Pocoyo is building a tower of colour blocks.

πŸ–Œ Paint me a Picture πŸ–Œ
Pocoyo has decided to paint a portrait.

🎨 Face Painting 🎨
Pocoyo and Pato are drawing pictures, and Elly wants them to draw her new doll.

🌈 Painting with Pocoyo 🌈
Pocoyo and his friends are painting a fruit still life.

🎨 Pato’s Paintings 🎨
Everyone’s preparing for a painting exhibition.

πŸ‡ Bumbleberry surprise πŸ‡
It’s time for tea and our friends head out into the forest to pick berries.

πŸ’ƒ Dance off part two πŸ’ƒ
Elly and Nina are dancing in synch.

πŸ‘£ Mystery Footprints πŸ‘£
Pocoyo and his friends are learning about the different tracks different feet – and paws – make on the ground.

Pocoyo is a curious, fun-loving, friendly toddler who’s always into experiencing new and exciting adventures. Featuring core values of tolerance, respect, love and loyalty, kids around the world love to join Pocoyo’s adventures with his inseparable animal friends Nina, Elly (the elephant), Pato (the duck), Loula (his pet dog) and Sleepy Bird.

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