Barney & Friends: 5×04 Circle of Friends (1998) – Multiple sources

Barney and the children all have fun with circles when they play ring-around- the-rosie and have a circle snack picnic. Meanwhile, BJ is having a snack of his own; he eats so many pancakes that he gets a tummy ache. Every time he sees a circle or something round, it makes him think of the pancakes, which makes his tummy hurt all over again. Barney and the children try to do things to help him feel better. In the end, they all agree that there are lots of things shaped like circles that make up our world. Barney tells the children about a very special circle: a circle of friends.

00:53 “Barney Theme Song”
02:53 “Ring Around the Rosie”
06:17 “The Yum Yum Song”
09:25 “The Tummy Song”
11:33 “Laugh With Me!”
14:28 “When You Have a Ball”
16:00 “I Can See It on Your Face”
18:56 “Painting the Shapes”
21:24 “You Can Count on Me”
24:19 “I Love You”