Barney and his friends learn all about the joys of books and the library with a new friend, Booker T. Bookworm, the librarian. Booker T. Bookworm teaches Curtis the importance of being yourself through the wonderful world of books. The children discover how fun the library can be as each one checks out a special book. Even Barney gets to check out his own poetry book and entertains his friends with fun poems!
00:53 “Barney Theme Song”
03:14 “Books Are Fun!”
06:54 “Five Little Butterflies”
10:46 “The Barney Bag”
12:49 “If I Lived Under the Sea”
15:46 “Old Mother Hubbard”
15:59 “Jack Sprat”
16:43 “Muffin Man Medley”
19:28 “Roses are Red”
19:59 “Laugh With Me!”
23:08 “Everyone is Special”
24:57 “I Love You”