Set sail on a magical journey to Imagination Island in this full-length movie. When a giant wave leaves the ship stranded atop a group of palm trees, Barney and his friends set out to explore the jungle island. There they meet Professor Tinkerputt, a toy inventor who doesn’t want anyone to play with his toys. Join the adventure and see if Barney and his friends can show the professor that good things happen when you share.
Just Imagine
Sea Medley: Sailing, Sailing / Row, Row, Row Your Boat / Sailing, Sailing/ Blow the Man Down / Sailing, Sailing / My Blankey Lies Over the Ocean / Sailing, Sailing / A Sailor Went to Sea, Sea, Sea/ Sailing, Sailing
That’s What an Island Is
Jungle Adventure
Tinkerputt’s Song
If You’re Happy and You Know It
Just Imagine (Reprise)
It’s Good to Be Home
Barney and the Backyard Gang™ and Barney & Friends™ were originally developed by Sheryl Leach, Kathy Parker and Dennis DeShazer.
Barney the dinosaur was created to celebrate children and childhood. It is our dream to have Barney become a child’s lifetime friend.
Upscaled to HD 1080p & 60fps
#Barney #kids #kidsshows #vintage #classic #kidstv #education #kidseducation #entertainment #kidsentertainment #movie #kidsmovie #selenagomez #demilovato