
Blippi Makes a Yummy Pizza! Educational Videos for Kids

Pizza can be healthy too! Blippi learns how to make Italian pizza from a real pizza-maker! He goes on a scavenger hunt for his veggie toppings, has a squishy adventure making the dough from scratch, and then cooks his pizza in an outdoor wood oven! Blippi then gets to enjoy eating his hand-made pizza – so cheesy good!#blippi #pizza
For more Blippi videos and Blippi songs be sure to SUBSCRIBE to Blippi at https://youtube.com/Blippi?sub_confirmation=1... Read More

Baa Baa Timberly Have you any wool? +More⭐ LittleBabyBum Nursery Rhymes – One Hour of Baby Songs

Add some musical fun to your daily routine with this 1 hour long compilation of new and classic nursery rhymes.
In the Park Cafe, Timberley Wimberly has some wool out for Max, Bao Bao and Muffin to play with.
🌟Subscribe now and never miss a video from Little Baby Bum ►https://www.youtube.com/user/LittleBabyBum?sub_confirmation=1... Read More