
Not a Fan of Santa – Family Fun Pack Winterfest OC

So it turns out Baby Owen is not a fan of Santa. Watch him meet Santa. It was so cute and sad all at the same time. We had a fantastic time at Winter Fest this year! We had an amazing cabana right next to the ice skating rink, we ate delicious food, sledded on snow (IN CALIFORNIA!!) and saw millions of Christmas lights! Also, Owen in the petting zoo was priceless! The bad news is that someone took our camera. We hope who ever took our camera enjoyed the absolutely adorable moment of Michael’s reaction as he went on two of his first scary rides at the fair. What a shame to loose that. I’m still pretty sad about it. Either way we still had a fantastic family day at Winter Fest! Get a personalized video from us to you! Check out our Cameo profile to find out how: https://www.bookcameo.com/familyfunpack
Owen’s outfit: https://www.teacollection.com/
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