
BABY ALIVE EATS FOOD AND POOP IT OUT My Baby All Gone Cookie Monster Surprise Egg Toys Shopkins

Baby Alive My Baby All Gone eats food and poop it out fun with Cookie Monster and Princess T from Ryan ToysReview! Baby Alive doll needs her tender loving care! She loves eating food and drink in her bottle. After that, she pees and poops like a real baby! So gross!!! Then you’ll have to change the doll’s diaper! The dolls can say over 30 phrases ! She was such a good toy for kids who loves to pretend play! The doll also have an egg surprise! It was Shopkins micro lite blind bag! Watch to see which toy surprise was in the Shopkins bag! ... Read More

Познавательно-развлекательное шоу “Умная тарелка”. Выпуск 7

Та-дам! В эфире снова развлекательное и познавательное шоу “Умная тарелка”! Новые вопросы для Банана, Вишенки и бабушки Картошки. Какая птица самая большая? Что это за музыкальный инструмент? Какое устройство позволяет наблюдать за другими планетами и звездами? И самый сложный вопрос – какой персонаж сказки носил яркий головной убор и очень хотел накормить свою бабушку пирожками? И, конечно, традиционный вопрос для наших любимых телезрителей! ... Read More

Disney Tsum Tsum Hangers with Minnie and Mickey

Disney Tsum Tsum Hangers with Minnie and Mickey opening and review by Toy Genie Surprises. These Tsum Tsum Hangers are adorable. There are a total of 8 to collect. You can hang these Tsum Tsum hangers on your backpack, purse, or cell phone. You can even hook them on to each other to create a chain of Tsum Tsum hangers.... Read More