Film & Animation

Food for Thought | Supa Strikas | Season 7 Full Episode Compilation | Soccer Cartoon

Shakes is nominated for a Super League Fair Play Award, but his rivalry with Skarra gets the better of him, leading to an epic food fight and a week of conflict resolution at the famous Swiss Institute. But instead of saunas and cheese fondue in the Alps the squabbling strikers find themselves lost in tropical jungle. They must work together to survive, but it’s hard to tell what’s more dangerous – the jungle, or each other?... Read More

💥Лабиринт Левиафанов🦖 Супер Динозавр – 19 -21 серии

🦈 Лабиринт Левиафанов 🌊
Дерек и СуперДино преследуют Сквидиуса, сбежавшего из Штаба Земли с похищенным Динором в мифический подводный Лабиринт, в котором скрыт таинственный секрет, который может угрожать всей планете.... Read More