Earth Is Our Home and More Nursery Rhymes from Mother Goose Club! Sing along with your favorite Mother Goose Club characters to the classic nursery rhyme “Earth Is Our Home!”
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Track List:
Earth Is Our Home
Alphabet Train
Old Mother Hubbard
One, Two, Buckle My Shoe
Buckle My Shoe
Buckle My Shoe
Take Me Out to the Ball Game
The Wheels on the Bus
The Wheels on the Bus
Football Rocker
Roly Poly
Roly Poly
Humpty Dumpty
A Sailor Went to Sea
A Sailor Went to Sea
Little Bo Peep
Itsy Bitsy Spider
Count With Me
This Little Piggy
Jack Sprat
Itsy Bitsy Spider
Old MacDonald Had a Farm
Freight Train
Hickory, Dickory, Dock
Jack Be Nimble
Baa, Baa, Baa Sheep
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear
Six Little Ducks
The Bear Went Over the Mountain
Old MacDonald Had a Farm
Pop Goes the Weasel
One, Two, Three, Four, Five
Five Little Monkeys
Soccer Rocker
Planting Song
Rockin’ Robot
This Old Man
ABC Song with Eep the Mouse
Jack Be Nimble
Three Little Kittens
Three Little Kittens
This Little Piggy
This Little Piggy
Hickory, Dickory, Dock