Eye Found It Board Game featuring favorite characters including Mickey Mouse

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In the Winter or on a rainy day our family looks for indoor activities (other than watching TV). Often times we pull out one of our daughter’s Play Doh sets, but often times we try to choose a game. The problem is that it is tough to find a game that a four year old can master that won’t bore us parents to death ( I mean there are only so many time that you can play Candyland and Shoots and Ladders). Teh Disney Eye Found Is simple enough for our daughter to learn, but has enough variety for my wide and me.


– For up to 6 players – game tokens included Mickey Mouse, Alice (from Alice in Wonderland), Platypus, Ariel, and Tinker Bell

– Everyone in the game either wins or loses – making it a great game for any children that struggle with losing

– To win everyone must reach Cinderella’s castle before midnight… fail to do so means that everyone loses. All players continue to play (and look for items) even after they have reached the castle.

– Helps to teach counting and telling time – while they search for items on the playing board

– The playing board is about 6 feet long and is covered with scenes from various Disney movies…. Cars, Beauty and the Beast, Peter Pan, to Mickey mouse Clubhouse (and more). When a player lands of a search tile or when the spinner stops on a search space – you must select a card that has an item on it (the sinner board will indicate if it is a blue or red card). All players must search for the item on the card and place mouse ears (or as my daughter calls it an “Oh Toodles”) on the item. When the sand timer runs out you count the number of items that have been found and *all* players advance that number of spaces

Final Verdict – Disney Eye Found it is a great game that can be played by the entire family. Older children (above 10) may become bored due to the lack of strategy (although it is more entertaining than “Shoots and Ladders” and “Candyland”). However, our 4 year old loves the game. Recommended

4 1/2 Stars

TheEngineeringFamily has loads of family friendly content

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Everyone likes to play with Play Doh – see all of TheEngineeringFamily collection of Play Doh videos http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoLQ9unpi4OH9jNiMLh7rjiCDCVIImHa_

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Check out the Adventures of The Assistant and Wiggles! It is our animated series featuring the Assistant, her Dog Wiggles, and science experiements! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoLQ9unpi4OHbJtfVcfgDIoyZw75FHF-E #Familyfun #Familyfunforeveryone #Theengineeringfamily