Come join the fun with our five speckled frogs.
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Brothers Joel, and Al, together with their own kids are making education fun. The Mik Maks focus on teaching about traditional family values like sharing, cooperation between siblings and respect for elders in a fun and engaging way.
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Five little Speckled Frogs sat on a speckled log
Eating some most delicious bugs yum, yum
One jumped into the pool where it was nice and cool
Now there’s only four green speckled frogs
‘That does sound like fun, how many speckled frogs do we have left?’
1 2 3 4
Four little Speckled Frogs sat on a speckled log
Blowing bubbles happy in the sun
One decided to jump ship and go for a little dip
Now’s there’s only three green speckled frogs
‘How many speckled frogs do we have left?’
1 2 3
Three little Speckled Frogs stood on a speckled log
Flossing just to pass the time away
One decided it was cool to jump into the deep blue pool
Now’s there’s only two green speckled frogs
‘Well i never, flossing frogs? , how many speckled frogs do we have left?’
1 2
Two little Speckled Frogs sat on a speckled log
Playing the game paper, scissors, rock
One frog just couldn’t wait to join all her froggy mates
Now’s there’s only one green speckled frog
‘How many speckled frogs do we have left?’
One little Speckled Frog sat on a speckled log
Longing just to join in all the fun
She did a cannonball and made Al fall
Into the pool with our five speckled frogs
Come join the fun with our five speckled frogs
It’s party time with our five speckled frogs