We are on to our next adventure in Florida! We surprised the kids with this one, and Michael was super excited about the new room they got to sleep in! Get ready for more action-packed days coming in our next vlogs!
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Supa Strikas | The Mech Suit! | Greetings From Sunny Feratuvia | Soccer Cartoons for Kids

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Supa Strikas head into the Secret Training Compound after losing to Invincible United, ready to face Coach’s wrath, but nothing could have prepared them for the intensive training machines Prof has built. To add injury to insult, rival coach, Toni Vern, has a mysterious food truck in the desert outside the compound, where he plans to cook up some nefarious schemes. This is one training session the Supa Strikas, Coach and Prof will never forget.... Read More

Blippi Learns Circus Tricks | Fun and Educational Videos For Kids | Kids Tv Shows

Happy World Circus Day! Today Blippi visits the Synapse Circus Center to learn all about the Circus for kids! In this educational video for kids Blippi teaches kids about the circus, colors for children, shapes for kids and more!

أهلاً سمسم: عدد اليوم – 7

إنه وقت مميز من العام! حان الوقت لتجهيز أقلامنا ✏️ ووضع أفضل أقلام التلوين لدينا 🖍️ وإعداد حقائب الظهر المفضلة لدينا 🎒 وإخراج صناديق الغداء الخاصة بنا! 🍱 سواء كنتم ستعودون إلى المدرسة أو تتعلمون عبر الإنترنت ، فلنرحب بهذا الوقت من العام مع أصدقائنا
🚌... Read More