NO DAD! Single Parent for a Week || Mommy Monday

Matt left us for a week, so today’s video spans a full week with us! I had the kids all by myself while doing A LOT of activities. Usually we divide and conquer, but this week, I took them to baseball, soccer, gymnastics, art lessons, play dates, school, music lessons, singing group, church, errands and outings ALL BY MYSELF! One of the days I had 3 things all at once that we couldn’t get out of, so I had my dad do one drop off while I did the other. I think I was most proud that we fit in two outings, a play date and I went to the gym because those are the things that usually get cut out when we are busy. Thanks for tagging along our crazy week! Get a personalized video from us to you! Check out our Cameo profile to find out how:
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The Muffin Man | Sing Along With Tobee | Songs For Kids

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With the help of his dad, Tobee made a special treat for Caitie: warm, delicious muffins! Caitie is so impressed that she calls him the Muffin Man. But Tobee has no idea who that is. So, Caitie teaches him the popular nursery rhyme “The Muffin Man” and guess who shows up at the door? Watch and find out!... Read More