
دعنا نذهب إلى حديقة الحيوان مع بارني

For the first time ever, Barney explores a real world location when he takes BJ and Baby Bop on a trip to the zoo! BJ makes the trip a photo safari, taking pictures of all the animals, while Baby Bop looks for a real elephant to show to her doll “Nelly the Elephant.” And there’s an unexpected guest – Scooter McNutty – who searches the zoo for an exhibit devoted to the noblest of animals: the squirrel! There’s an abundance of animal fun and facts, songs and surprises when Barney take YOU to the zoo.... Read More

التحرك والحز مع بارني

Barney and his friends are movin’ and groovin’ to the beat of the music! As they learn about rhythm and create their own musical instruments, Barney leads the band with a rat-a-tat-tat and a rooty-toot-toot. And they discover there are lots of ways to get a move on as they do the the Dino Dance. Then, after wiggling through a game of Simon says, they’re off to the races. Barney’s friends discover the fun of movement while making beautiful music together!... Read More

Синий трактор на детской площадке: ЧУЖОЕ – Мультики для детей – играем в мяч и в прятки!

В этом мультике про Синий Трактор и его друзей мы вместе с ними узнаем о понятии своё/чужое, личные вещи, все ли игрушки можно забирать себе, а также поиграем в прятки!
Это весело, давай вместе!
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