
A Big Help | Finny The Shark | Cartoon For Kids

Finny and Sammy promise to mind their manners and not leave a mess at Oscar’s house during their playdate, but it will be a hard promise to keep when they accidentally build a mess-making robot! Enjoy this video and many more cartoons for kids from Super Simple, including Baby Shark, in the Super Simple App for iOS! ► Read More

Маша и Медведь – ☎️ Позвони мне, позвони! 📞 Сборник 15 🎬 30 минут

🐘 Чай со слоном 🍲 Новая серия! 🔥
🧚‍♀️ Чудеса! 🧜‍♀️
👷‍♀️ Ура! Ремонт! 🔧
🤡 Детский Праздник! 👧🏻👶🧒
Восточные Сказки 🧞 Новая серия! 🔥 Read More

Left My Husband for WHAT??!! + Fan Mail! || Mommy Monday

Wow, what a fun day (for me at least!) I took a day for myself, let my husband care for the kids. I spent almost my whole day learning a new sport and getting all the gear I will need so I can continue to play. I went out with my parents for golf. They’ve been taking David but I have never gone. Since I cannot play basketball due to social distancing guidelines, I figured now was a great time to pick up a sport that does not require contact with other people. My dad is a semi-professional golfer, so he was more than happy to give me some tips and, as you’ll see in the video, with a little persuasion, I even got him to go shopping with me! I am really excited about this new chapter of starting something I have not done before. However, when I woke up the next day, muscles I never even knew I had were SO sore!!! We also opened fan mail in today’s video. We have had a hold on mail since late last year. First we moved so we put the mail on hold, then when we were ready to receive it in February of this year, our service completely was shut down as businesses began to close. We finally got special permission to get our mail, 10 months later! Anyway, thank you all for so patiently waiting for us to get this mail, and thank you for sending such nice things to us! We always feel so happy when we open our fan mail. HUGS!!
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