
Barney & Friends: 5×10 Seven Days A Week (1998) – Multiple sources

It’s Monday, and BJ can’t wait until Saturday when he will go camping. He’s so excited, he doesn’t know how he can possibly survive the loooong days until then. Through Barney magic, a calendar appears to help plan out BJ’s week. Together, BJ, Barney and the kids play baseball, fly kites, read The Ants and the Grasshopper, play in a marching band, pop popcorn, and discover fun things can be planned all seven days of the week.... Read More

Barney & Friends: 5×08 Colors All Around! (1998) – Multiple sources

Mr. Boyd needs help deciding what color to paint the cafeteria wall. The children help him decide by exploring the colors with Barney’s special color hat. Choosing colored items from the hat prompts them to act out nursery rhymes and sing songs. They also explore new colors that are created when mixing two colors together when finger painting. Barney throws the hat into the air and a rainbow spills out onto the playground: a perfect mural for the hallway.... Read More