
Blippi Plays Sink or Float with Fruit From an Orange Farm | Blippi – Learn Colors and Science

What’s Blippi’s favorite color? ORANGE! Join Blippi as he visits Showcase of Citrus Orange Farm in Clermont, Florida. In today’s episode we learn all about fruits and healthy eating for kids! Can you help Blippi find and pick the oranges on the farm? Learn Colors, Shapes, Fruits and science for kids with a sink and float experiment using you guessed it ORANGES! #blippi... Read More

دب أبيض في أهلاً سمسم

بينما كان هادي يخبز، يغطى بالدقيق الأبيض! ثم يغامر هادي بالدخول إلى الحي محاولاً البحث عن صينية الخبز الخاصة به ، لكن عندما رأى جاد هادي مغطى بالدقيق ، لم يعرفة! يخبر جاد بسمة أنه رأى دبًا قطبيًا في الحديقة. بعد أن رأى كل من بسمة و غرغور هادي ، ركضوا جميعًا لطلب مساعدة سلمى وأدركوا أنهم توصلوا إلى افتراض.... Read More

Blippi Learns about Jobs and Careers at Whiz Kids Playland! | Blippi Toys

Blippi visits the play place to learn about different professions. This educational Blippi video give children some ideas of different jobs they can be when they grow up. Blippi shows different things at this play place you can be when you grow up like an artist, a firefighter, a nurse, a farmer, a chef, a police officer, a professional athlete, a pilot and more! Learn about different jobs for children with Blippi. Blippi videos are fun and educational ways to learn about the curiosities of life for children.... Read More