I’m sure some of you can relate to a kid or two sleeping with you at times, or even a kid sleeping with you for a long time if you co-sleep, but my kids have taken it to a whole new level. We have ALL SIX of our kids, plus a dog, sleeping in our room! But to be honest, I don’t mind it too much because I love spending time with my kids. In today’s vlog, we also meet up with our cousins, and my best friend from my childhood. Michael tells us what he’s been learning in Kindergarten. We have a fun meal out since we have visitors and we go to a trampoline park and get the whole thing to ourselves! If you want to have your question featured in our video be sure to use the hashtag MommyMonday so we can find your question. Also be on the lookout for the hidden pineapple! Get a personalized video from us to you! Check out our Cameo profile to find out how: https://www.bookcameo.com/familyfunpack
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https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHWL2CqWMfRdYQ6tm8-MZvg (owen)
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#cosleeping #trampoline #remodel