Ultimate Fact presents Most Dangerous Banned Kids Toy Ever.
New toys are always amazing. Marketers always come up with some ideas of different kind to do their business. Sometimes they do it without any proper inspection. Some of these dangerous toys have been relegated to history, some have achieved fad status, some have been redesigned or banned, and still others are available on the shelves today. Here is the list of the top 20 most dangerous toys ever.
1. CSI: Asbestos
The CSI Fingerprint Examination Kit – a toy based on the hit CBS show CSI: Crime Scene Investigation – allowed children to look for fingerprints with a special powder and brushes. The powder in question turned out to contain up to five percent asbestos. The alarm was sounded in November 2007, but the toy’s maker CBS Consumer Products, decided to leave it on shelves in the run up to Christmas. Rather than wait for the CPSC to negotiate a recall, the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization filed a civil action to stop sales of the kit.
2. Magnetix
Magnetix building sets featured plastic pieces that could break open, spilling small, powerful magnets that were easily swallowed by curious toddlers. Unlike most small objects swallowed in this manner, the magnets don’t pass through the digestive system. Instead they connect with each other through tissue walls, sometimes forming large masses that twist intestines and cut off blood supply to vital organs.
3. Inflatable Baby Boats
Aqua-Leisure’s various Inflatable Baby Boat were supposed to be a fun way for a baby or toddler to float safely in a pool. The problem was the boats’ leg straps were prone to tear, causing the baby or toddler in question to slip through. In 2009, four million of the boats were recalled after more than 30 infants nearly drowned.
4. Snacktime Cabbage Patch Doll
The Cabbage Patch dolls were the must-have toy of their time, sparking department store fights and pulling in billions of dollars in sales. The Snacktime edition pulled in more than just money however, as its mechanical jaws tried to consume the fingers and hair of inquisitive and unlucky children. The Snacktime’s mechanism was a one-way battery-powered roller with no off switch.
5. Mini Hammocks
You know that scene in the movies when an unsuspecting individual step on an apparently innocuous cargo net, only to be hoisted into the air by what turned out to be a trap? Someone decided to market them as hammocks for kids. You might think it as the best kid’s toy choice.
6. Lawn Darts
Yes, lawn darts is in the dangerous toys list. It doesn’t take much imagination to see why steel missiles with weighted skewers could make for a dangerous toy. Definitely it is one of the most dangerous children’s toys ever made even under elder supervision.
7. The Austin Magic Pistol
In the 1950’s, when BB pistols weren’t considered particularly dangerous, it took something special for a Pistol to stand out. The Austin Magic Pistol managed to do that with its gas-powered combustion. There are store which keeps this dangerous toy in the past. By today’s standards, this “toy” is classified as a firearm in many states.
8. Gilbert U-238 Atomic Energy Lab
When it was sold in the early 1950s as “the most elaborate Atomic Energy educational set ever produced. Isn’t it the most dangerous kid’s toys ever? Share your thoughts in the comment section.
9. Barbie and Tanner
Here are the most amazing top 10 toys. Barbie was just trying to promote responsible pet ownership, but this particular set from 2007 went one step too far. This best kid toy somehow turned to become the worst kid toy ever.
10. Easy Bake Oven
The oven comes with packets of cake mix and small round pans, non-perishable and therefore do not have an expiration date. The Easy Bake Oven now on the shelves has been redesigned significantly. Indeed, dangerous toys for the kids.
11. Clackers
You may find it in reddit stories top 5 list. Clackers, popular in the late 1960s and early 1970s, were a simple toy: Two heavy balls, typically made of hard acrylic, suspended from a string. Kids swung and “clacked” the balls together to make noise, sometimes with surprising style.
12. Water Beads
Tiny, colorful water beads are undeniably mesmerizing. Made of super-absorbent polymers, they grow and grow. An 8-month-old even had surgery to remove a water ball that had expanded to block the intestines. Though some brands of this most dangerous toys were recalled in late 2012, they’re still on the shelves, mostly at craft stores and garden centers etc.
13. Aqua Dots
One of 2007’s more popular toys, Aqua Dots were small, colorful beads that could be arranged into different designs and then permanently set with a sprinkle of water. The water activated a glue in the coating of the beads, which fused them together.
Which is the most dangerous toy in this list? Don’t you think we should be more conscious while buying toys? Share your thoughts in the comment section.... Read More
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