“Amour Than Enough” (Pencilmation #4)

A funny love triangle between an ordinary doodle, a beautiful doodlette, and a rock star. It all takes place in a very “lively” house, but who will win who?

Animation & Music by Ross Bollinger

Pencilmation is a web cartoon created by Ross Bollinger in which pencil drawn stick figures and doodles come to life. It is made with love and a lot of fun by an international team helmed by Ross Bollinger who started the channel alone in his room a long time ago. The Pencilmation channel is for not-too-serious grown-ups. Follow the new, wacky, and often times quite silly adventures of Pencilmate, Little Blue Man, Pencilmiss and other doodles every Tuesday and Friday.

Ask questions, share ideas, and draw pictures in the Pencilmation Facebook Group: http://facebook.com/groups/pencilmation