Barney & Friends: The Time Life Collection, Volume 1 (1992)

1×02 Playing it Safe:
Barney and his friends learn some fun lessons about “playing it safe.” The kids create cardboard-box cars to teach the rules about seatbelt use and crossing the street safely. To teach Baby Bop about strangers, a classroom version of Little Red Riding Hood is performed. Great music and special lyrics help reinforce the safety lessons. When Barney

1×14 Our Earth, Our Home:
The school’s “Earth Week” has Barney and his friends all abuzz about things they can do to protect the earth. Through fun-filled songs, the children learn the importance of recycling…how to make new things out of old…how to conserve water, and to help keep our water, air and land clean. The children form a “trashcan” band performing a silly symphony song and do a skit about Johnny Appleseed. Sharing and caring for the earth become a “fun thing” to do.

1×13 Alphabet Soup!:
When Barney arrives to play with his friends, Derek plays “alphabet fun” by spelling a “mystery word” a letter at at time. The group plays games and sings songs related to each letter of the mystery word. Rhyming words, making alphabet soup, walking through the alphabet, and seeing how many letters they can make with their bodies, gives the children many chances to play with letters and words. Children learn that having fun with letters and words and learning the alphabet are the first steps to reading.

1×09 Caring Means Sharing:
Barney is a very large dinosaur – but there may not be enough of him to go around. Min and Kathy quarrel over whose turn it is to play with their purple pal. Since her family was so small, Kathy didn’t know a lot about sharing. Coming from a large family, Min is tired of sharing – but Barney has a special magic gift for her which will help change her mind about sharing! Through catchy songs and a puppet show, Min and Baby Bop learn about sharing, working, and playing together.

1×16 Be A Friend:
Barney finds Tosha, a new girl at school, lonely and without friends. He introduces her to Michael, Derek and Kathy. Together, they learn why doing things with friends is much more fun. Through songs, stories and activities Barney’s friends learn about pen pals, getting along and sharing. A missing Teddy Bear has everyone working together as friends.

1×24 Carnival of Numbers:
Barney and Friends enjoy a special day at school, thanks to a magical “Carnival of Numbers.” Songs, games, and visits from surprising guests provide Barney’s friends with lots of opportunities for number recognition, number matching, and counting. Baby Bop helps demonstrate that even the very young can have fun with numbers. It’s a whole day of prizes, surprises, and “math-a-magic!”

1×05 Eat, Drink And Be Healthy!:
Barney and his friends discover they have plenty of “food for thought” as they learn about nutrition. Discovering the four food groups and the importance of eating healthy snacks allows Barney, Baby Bop, and their friends to have fun together. An imaginative rhyming story tells about the perils of being a picky eater. A friend of Barney’s sings a humorous song about meals that would “bug” most diners. Special songs and lyrics reinforce the lesson that eating healthy foods is the right thing to do.

1×02 My Family’s Just Right For Me:
It’s the eve of “Family Night” at school. A super time for Barney and his friends to celebrate all those wonderful folks (and even pets!) at home. With paintings, books, songs, and dances. There’s just one glitch to the gala; Kathy’s not sure her “small” family measures up. It’s just her mom, her grandmother, and herself. But, after Barney gets through with his fun and games, the children realize that a family is defined by love, not by size.

1×07 The Treasure Of Rainbow Beard:
Imagine the surprise when “Rainbow Beard,” the wondrous but not-that-scary pirate comes whooshing out of a magic bottle! He promises a treasure chest full of fun if Barney & Friends follow the clues on a mysterious map. And the clues couldn’t be more fun! They’re a half-dozen games that involve shapes and colors and music and rhymes. Matching and mixing those shapes and colors is the adventure that unlocks the treasure. And unlocks a load of delight!

1×30: Everyone Is Special:
A big box arrives for Barney. And it couldn’t be a more special delivery. Because inside is something that Barney uses to show all his friends how much fun it is to be yourself! Barney invents games and songs that say everyone’s special in his or her own way. Baby Bop proves even the very young have very good virtues. Barney even has his buddies dancing like robots to show how boring sameness can be. All in all, a rollicking way to celebrate that every child is “you-nique”.