Bounceland Mega Castle Inflatable Bounce House Bouncer

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My wife and I were nervous prior to ordering the Bounceland Mega Castle. We were afraid that it wouldn’t be large enough, that it wouldn’t be well built, that it would be impossible to store… and numerous other worries. I am happy to say that all of our worries were completely unfounded and our (soon to be) 3-year was thrilled with her new jump house.

Now there are differences between the commercial rental units and the Bunceland Mega Castle. In terms of size the Bounceland Castle is about 40% smaller (64 sq ft of bouncing surface vs 100 sq ft of a 10′ x 10′ commercial unit). The fabric of the commercial unit is thicker, but the Bounceland fabric is still pretty stout.


Fun and Features – While it may a little smaller than a commercial unit it is just as much fun. The baksetball hoop is fun, but the slide is the biggest attraction. The kids love to run through the bouncehouse and jump directly onto the slide. Lots of fun and it is probably the best feature of the bouncehouse.

Size – Large enough for 4 kids (a 3,4,5,7 year olds) to play with comfort. It is probably large enough for a 5th, but that may be the upper limit. Again, it is small than the commercial rental unit, and may not be large enough for four ten year olds, but for younger kids it is nearly perfect.

Set-up- Easy, easy, easy… the only challenge is that the bouncehouse weighs about 40lbs, so it could be difficult for some people to drag into place. Once in place the bouncehouse inflates within 2 minutes and is ready for play.

Blower- I was very happy with the blower that came with the jump house. It has plenty of power but it is much quieter than I expected. It is quiet enough that the kids can play on the bouncehouse and the adults can have a conversation a few feet away (using normal voices).

Clean-up- It takes about 15 minutes to put back in the bag. The biggest challenge is getting all of the air out of the bouncer… the way I do it is to roll up the bouncehouse like a sleeping bag in order to remove all of air.

Safety- Other than the slide (more on that later) the Bounceland Mega Castle is very safe. The netting surrounds the bouncehouse, and will help keep kids on the inside. The only danger is that the kids can pull the netting down which could create an issue. Now onto the slide…. it is about 5 feet above the ground, and kids love to jump down it, but you will need to keep an eye on them because if the fall or flip off of the side they could get hurt. One option is to place pillows or something soft on the sides of the slides to help soften the fall.

Storage – This jumphouse rolls up to size of a mid-size sleeping bag

– Do not store the bouncehouse wet (because it will mold)
– No shoes in the bouncehouse
– Do not store the bouncehouse in the sun
– Do not inflate the bouncehouse on any surface that may cause a puncture

Final Verdict – While it may not quite as large a commercial bouncehouse it is still lots of fun for up to 4 or 5 kids. Please make sure your kids are safe while playing on the slide, but other than that the I can give the Bounceland Mega Castle a full recommendation.

5 Stars

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