Polaroid XS100 Extreme Edition HD Professional Action Camera 1080P 16MP

Thanks to YouTube there has been an explosion in the number of “Action Cameras” that are on the market. They all have several things in common… they are rugged, at least water resistant, and are made for capturing fast paced action. The Polaroid XS100 certainly has all of those features… and several more. Any many ways the Polaroid XS100 is the perfect action camera – it is easy to use, takes high quality video, is versatile enough for a wide variety of sports.

In the video portion of the review you can see the you can see the Polaroid XS100 in action. Please note – strapping a camera on the top of a remote controlled vehicle is a pretty challenging application.


– Self adjusting rotation on the camera which helps to keep the picture permanently upright despite the orientation of the camera. This is allows the camera to flip in any direction while maintaining an upright view.

– The Polaroid XS100 comes with a variety of mount, straps, and adhesive patches that will allow you to mount your XS100 to nearly anything… helmets, canoes, handlebars, remote control cars, and etc.

– Does come with a handlebar mount that allows you to mount ton any tube that is less than about 1″ in diameter.

– Uses (but does not come with) a micro SD memory card.

– With a push of the button you can take snap shots.

– Completely rechargeable and offers nice battery life (2.5 hours)

– Water resistant to 10M (33 feet)

– Ultrawide lens offers 170 degrees of view

– One word of caution if the winged mounting system breaks (not that it will, but you do need to use some caution) then the camera will be much harder to mount to anything

Final Verdict- The Polaroid XS100 is a solid option for anyone who is looking for high definition action camera. In the video portion I show the video quality in a very demanding application (while strapped to a remote control vehicle). There really is a lot to like with this camera.

4 1/2 Stars

Please Note- I was provided this product for reviewing purposes

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