Shopkins I Don’t Know My Shopkins 12 Pack ToyGenie

I Don’t Know My Shopkins 12 Pack. Sorry I didn’t load this Shopkins video earlier. I made it a while back and didn’t get a chance to edit and upload this Shopkins video because I’ve been busy work on Frozen Parodies. I am a total noob with Shopkins but I AM ADDICTED TO SHOPKINS and all surprise unboxings, so expect to see a lot more of that in the future.

See more Shopkins videos here:

30 Shopkins Full Case Unboxing 60 Total Shopkins with Ultra Rare:

Shopkins Shoppin Cart Large Shopkins Shopping Cart with 2 Exclusive Shopkins:

Frozen Elsa and Anna Shopkins Bakery Playset with Spiderman and Wonder Woman:

Shopkins Vending Machine Playset with 2 Exclusive Shopkins Peppa Pig:

Shopkins Playlist:

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Toy Genie Surprises