Supa Strikas- Season 4 Season 41 – Dat Boot

Forget about transfer news, or what’s going on in the Premier League, UEFA, the World Cup or La Liga – The Super League is where the action is happening! Manchester United and Chelsea have nothing on the Supa Strikas team. This football adventure series is packed with goals that Neuer and Oblak couldn’t touch. If you think Renaldo or Neymar are the best you obviously haven’t seen Shakes, El Matador or Klaus in action. As for Messi, well, he’d probably swap a shirt with our boys in red.

In this Episode: Supa Strikas’ unusual preparation for Iron Tank is rudely interrupted when a submarine barges through the surface of the iceberg they are training on. Colonel Von Pushup’s men propose a friendly game but their real intention is to steal Coach’s new hi-tech practice ball… and the secret it holds ahead of the team’s clash at the Fortress Stadium.