Toilet Candy Sour Flush Plunger Pops Lollipop Surprise by Disney Collector もこもこモコレット(コーラ味/サイダー味

Moko Moko Mokolet もこもこモコレット(コーラ味/サイダー味)

Similar to Kracie Popin’ Cookin’ this is Toilet Candy Sour Flush Pops lollipop surprise with Blue Raspberry, Watermelon, & Grape Powder Dip! Its a Toilet Bowl Candy Plunger. Eating from a toilet perfect for Halloween pranks! モコモコモコレットを作ってみた!

もこもこモコレット (コーラ味 ). Moko Moko Mokolet toilet-candy is mixed in a tiny plastic toilet. The little toilet is first assembled and then flavored powder is added to the back of the toilet with water to activate the candy. Of course then you drink the bubbly toilet water with a straw. Dont forget to add the stickers to your toilet to give it a face and a smile.

Welcome to Funtoys Disneycollector, a toychannel with toys for babies and preschool children. I’m a huge DisneyToysCollector collecting everything from DisneyToys.

Bienvenidos a mi canal de juegos y juguetes para bebés y niños en edad preescolar. Suscríbase a nuestro canal y siga los videos 🙂


Benvenuti ai miei giochi di canale e giocattoli per neonati e bambini in età prescolare che ama le bambole e giocattoli. Iscriviti al nostro canale e seguire le video 🙂

Bienvenue sur ma canal jouets. C’est une chaîne pour bébés et tout-petits enfants d’âge préscolaire où vous trouverez des vidéos pâte à modeler et oeufs surprise, les jouets surprise de Disney.

아기와 유아에 대한 내 채널 게임과 장난감에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 우리의 채널에 가입하고 동영상을 따라 .

Привет добро пожаловать на Игрушки для детей. Вы можете увидеть много интересных видео для детей, малышей, младенцев и детей.

Also check out these videos:

Kracie Popin Cookin Oekaki Gummy Land おえかきグミランド
Make Gummy Candy at Home グミランド Popin’ Cookin’

Kracie Popin’ Cookin’ Mini Ice Cream Shaped Candy たのしいケーキやさん How to Make Ice Cream Candy

Kracie Popin Cookin Oekaki Gummy Land おえかきグミランド Make Gummy Candy at Home グミランド Popin’ Cookin’

Kracie Popin’ Cookin’ おえかきキャンランド Oekaki Kyanland Candy おえかきキャンランド .

* Kracie Popin’ Cookin’ Mini Ice Cream Shaped Candy たのしいケーキやさん Oekaki Gummy Land.

Kracie Dodotto Tsubu Pyon Kracie Popin’ Cookin’ どどっと つぶぴょん Amazing Dot Drip Candy どどっとつぶぴょん.

Grape flavored bubble shake drink モコあわシェイク(グレープ味)Meiji 明治チューインガム Mokoawa shake

Heart Crayon Shin Chan Namaiki Drink (Coca-Cola drink Coke) クレヨンしんちゃん なまいきドリンク3 (コーラ味)

Kracie Popin’ Cookin’ Sushi shaped candy たのしいおすしやさん.

Popin’ Cookin’ Funny Cake House Ice-cream Candy Making Kit.

Popin’ Cookin’ Kracie Happy Kitchen DIY Doughnuts Candy Kit Doughnut Shaped Candy ハッピーキッチン ドーナツ .