Wheels On The Bus Go Round And Round | Nursery Rhyme | Kids TV

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The world of preschoolers is made up of many things. But what’s the best part about being a toddler? Its fun, fun and fun! And the best part about kiddie playtime is, it can happen anytime. At playschool, at home, at the neighbor’s or at the park, anywhere too! When the enjoyment begins with not one, not two but three of the all time favorite nursery rhyme songs; Wheels on the Bus, Humpty Dumpty and Finger Family, then children are on a roll! Not just that, when these three popular rhymes are followed up by another thirty four classic baby songs, yes! Thirty four more; Baa Baa Black Sheep, Five Little Monkeys, Three Little Kittens, Bingo and Old Macdonald to list a few, there’s no taking away the excitement from babies; for one whole hour! So, parents and teachers, make space; this compilation is sure to make your little ones jumpier than ever!